Great Lakes Invasives Network Natural History Collections and Observation Projects

The Albion College Herbarium (ALBC) is a teaching collection of about 14,000 specimens, including 10,000 sheets of vascular plants and another 4,000 specimens of bryophytes, algae, lichens, and fungi. Most of its holdings are from the lower peninsula of Michigan. The herbarium of alumnus Charles W. Fallass, '1873 comprises the core of the vascular plant collection. Other contributors include former faculty members William J. Gilbert (1916-1994), Ewell A. Stowell (1922-2009), and 1956 alumnus Maynard C. Bowers (1930-). The Gilbert collections include algae from the S. Pacific. The Bowers collections include mosses from Finland and the western US. Contact: Matthew Kleinow Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 24 October 2016

The Friesner Herbarium digital collection project is a multiyear effort to link label information from our Indiana specimens with images in a searchable electronic format. Our goal is to increase access to, awareness of and use by all Indiana citizens of the valuable historical botanical information contained with the Friesner Herbarium. Contact: Rebecca Dolan, Director ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 26 June 2017

The Calvin College Herbarium was founded in 1948 and contains approximately 8,500 specimens, of which over 6,000 are imaged. Most of the holdings are from West Michigan (Kent Co., Ottawa Co.) and Midwestern North America (incl. Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota). In addition, Calvin houses vouchers documenting flora at the Calvin College Ecosystem Preserve, Flat Iron Lake and the Grand Rapids area. Contact: Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 30 March 2018

The Central Michigan University Herbarium (CMC) strives to integrate research and education, providing centralized botanical resources, research facilities, and educational opportunities to the University and broader scientific community. Contact: Anna Monfils, Director ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 30 March 2018

Today, the E. C. Smith Herbarium contains over 200,000 specimens, including vascular plants, bryophytes, and fungi. It is the largest herbarium in Atlantic Canada and the first Canadian herbarium to have a digital database with scanned images of the collection. The Acadia Herbarium began as an initial gift to Dr. H. G. Perry of a small collection made by G. U. Hay of St. John, New Brunswick. Included in this collection were a few plants collected by J. Fowler of New Brunswick before he went to Queen's University. These first specimens were collected between 1868 and 1880. Some of the plants were cultivated and some were from the United States. Subsequently, in these early years, the additions were made chiefly through the work of Dr. H. G. Perry and his students. No records were available until the collection numbered some 6,000 sheets. Included in the 6,000, however, are a number of sheets from the Gray Herbarium Expeditions to Nova Scotia in 1920 and 1921. Of the specimens above the 6000 count, the majority have been added by the work of Dr. M. V. Roscoe and her students from 1928-1940 and Dr. H. P. Banks and his students from 1940-1946. In 1946 a large collection was being assembled by Mr. David Erskine, who catalogued the Flora of Wolfville and vicinity. During Dr. E. C. Smith's tenure at Acadia (1947-1971) the number of specimens grew from 20,000 sheets to over 70,000. In 1970, Acadia University's Board of Governors announced that the department's excellent collection of plants would be named the E. C. Smith Herbarium as tribute to him for his contributions to the collection. Contact: Rodger Evans ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update:

The Eastern Michigan University Herbarium (EMC) provides botanical resources, research facilities, and educational opportunities to the University and broader scientific community. The herbarium seeks to continue and develop the scientific acquisition, documentation and monitoring of the plants of Michigan and the Great Lakes Region including those that are threatened, endangered and rare. The herbarium contains over 30,000 vascular plant specimens, mosses, fungi, and algae. Most specimens are from Michigan and Ontario, Canada. Contact: Margaret Hanes, Director ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 31 March 2017

F |
Plants and fungi are essential to life on earth—key components of the planet’s ecology, biodiversity, climate, and human cultures. The study of plants and fungi is fundamental to medical science, conservation, genetics, agriculture, food-web studies, soil science, climate studies, anthropology, and many other fields. Field Museum botanists are leaders in the study of plant and fungi evolution, ecology, biogeography, environmental/climate impact, plant-animal interactions, and more. Contact: H. Thorsten Lumbsch, Department Chair ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 7 February 2017

F-F |
Established in 1894, The Field Museum's Division of Fishes now contains more than 1,750,000 specimens, 130,000 lots, 10,000 species, 4,500 tissue samples, 3,500 skeletons, 1,400 nominal types (6,550 specimens), and 450 families. Our collections have grown out of the cumulative effort of 12 past and current curators and countless professional staff, students, and associates. This emphasis on the collection and research of freshwater and marine fishes has made The Field Museum a leader in the evolutionary biology of fishes. Contact: Caleb McMahan, Collections Manager ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 22 May 2017

F-M |
At present the Division of Invertebrates, which began with a collection of 16,000 lots, manages ca. 340,000 cataloged mollusk lots, with approximately 4.5 million specimens. Our molluscan collection now ranks among the top three or four in North America. Contact: Jochen Gerber, Collections Manager III ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 6 July 2016

The Grand Valley State University Herbarium (GVSC) is located in the Padnos Hall of Science (we will be moving to the new GVSU science building during the summer of 2015). The herbarium holds about 6000 specimens mostly from west Michigan Contact: Dr. Tim Evans ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 30 March 2018

The Green Plant Herbarium holds in excess of 370,000 accessioned vascular plants. The collection, formerly at the University of Toronto, is now owned by the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) Department of Natural History. The Green Plant Herbarium comprises the former Vascular Plant Herbarium (also TRT) and the bryological collections that were housed in the Cryptogamic Herbarium (TRTC), hence the change of name. TRT also houses the algae that were formerly held at TRTC. Important collections include those of H. V. Begley, C. D. Bird, H. H. Brown, T. J. W. Burgess, R. F. Cain, P. M. Catling, F. Cook, T. A. Dickinson, J.-P. Frahm, F. C. Fyre, S. Hattori, M. Heimburger, J. C. Krug, M. Landon, J. Macoun, S. McKay-Kuja, J. K. Morton (personal herbarium, North American material), E. A. Moxley, J. B. Phipps, J. Riley, V. Schiffner, W. Scott, J. H. Soper, T. M. C. Taylor, J. Walker, W. Watson, A. White, J. White, and R. E. Whiting. Contact: Tim Dickinson ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 16 July 2015

The main collection of the Gardens is laid out in nine native habitats of the Acadian Forest Region. All of the plants found in these habitats are native species to the region. Other features of the Gardens include: Medicinal and Food Garden, Conservatory, Walled Garden and Experimental Garden. Contact: Peter Romkey ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update:

FOIBIS includes about 5,456 species, including vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens that have naturalized in the province of Ontario. It includes native species as well as some ornamentals, weeds, invasive alien plants, arctic disjuncts and agricultural plants. Information about phytogeography, rarity, a vegetation alpha code system, and latest botanical nomenclature. The following information is provided for each species: family, genus and species names; scientific synonyms; up to 2 common names; a French name if available; vegetation code; Bayer code; coding for rarity, alien (weed), native, life form, life cycle; medicinal notes; available web-pictures link and other related information. Contact: Carole Ann Lacroix, Curator of Phanerogam Col ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 29 July 2015

L'Herbier du Québec comprend environ 166 000 spécimens dont 140 000 plantes vasculaires, 22 000 bryophytes et lichens, 3 500 plantules de plantes vasculaires, une importante collection de graines et une petite collection d’algues (moins de 200 spécimens). L'Herbier du Québec abrite une collection représentative des zones de végétation tempérée, boréale et arctique du Québec et de l’est du Canada. Il comprend aussi une importante collection de mauvaises herbes et autres plantes d’intérêt agronomique. La quasi totalité des spécimens du Québec est déjà informatisée et la numérisation des spécimens débute à peine. Ce premier jeu de données comprend plus de 3 240 spécimens de plantes vasculaires du Québec. L’Herbier du Québec vient aussi d’acquérir l’ancien herbier de l’Institut agricole de La Pocatière (anciennement QSA, environ 18 000 spécimens). Son informatisation est commencée. / The Herbier du Québec houses about 166 000 specimens among which 140 000 vascular plants, 22 000 bryophytes and lichens, 3 500 vascular plant seedlings, a large collection of seeds and a small number of algae (under 200 vouchers). The Herbier du Québec maintain a representative collection of plants from the temperate, boreal and arctic vegetation zones of Québec and Eastern Canada and also a large collection of weeds and other plants of agricultural interest. The bulk of the Québec vascular plants specimens is already computerized while digitization is in its early stage. This first dataset includes about 3 240 specimens of vascular plants from Québec. L’Herbier du Québec recently acquired the Institut agricole de La Pocatière herbarium (formely QSA, about 18 000 specimens). Its computerization has begun. Contact: Norman Dignard ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 16 July 2015

The Louis-Marie Herbarium houses 750000 specimens among which 600000 are vascular plants. The collection also houses 135000 bryophytes and lichens, 13000 fungi as well as a collection of 2000 seeds. The Louis-Marie Herbarium prioritizes the collection of Arctic-alpine, subarctic and boreal species form Canada and the northern hemisphere. The digitization of the collection is a work in progress. This dataset includes more than 65000 specimens of vascular plants from the province of Quebec. / La collection de l'Herbier comprend au total près de 750000 spécimens dont 600000 plantes vasculaires, 135000 bryophytes et lichens, 13000 champignons ainsi qu'une collection de 2000 graines. L'Herbier accorde une priorité aux espèces arctiques-alpines, subarctiques et boréales du Canada et de l'hémisphère nord. Ce jeu de données comprend plus de 65000 spécimens de plantes vasculaires du Québec. Contact: Serge Payette ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 16 July 2015

Contact: Ranessa Cooper ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 25 October 2016

Hope College Herbarium (HCHM) is located in room 3051 of the Schaap Science Center and holds about 8000 specimens mostly from the West Michigan area with a rich collection of asteraceous plants. Contact: Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 30 March 2018

Since 1858, the Illinois Natural History Survey has been the guardian and recorder of the biological resources of Illinois. Contact: Andrew Miller, Ph.D., Mycologist and Director ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 30 January 2018

A large part of the Illinois Natural History Fish Collection comes from specimens collected from 1880 to 1905 for S.A. Forbes and R.E. Richardson's "The Fishes of Illinois" published in 1908 and from specimens collected from 1950 to 1978 for P.W. Smith's "The Fishes of Illinois" published in 1979. Thousands of specimens have been added from other areas of North and South America in the past few decades. The collection contains representatives from 48 of the 50 states and many countries including: Angola, Antigua, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, England, Guyana, Indonesia, Lebanon, Mexico, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Thailand, Trinidad Venezuela, and Yugoslavia. The geographic scope of the collection is about 58% from Illinois, 28% from elsewhere in North America, 13% from South America, and 1% from the rest of the world, including Antarctica. Contact: Dr. Chris Taylor ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 18 December 2015

The Illinois Natural History Survey Mollusk Collection contains over 190,000 catalogued specimens in nearly 50,000 lots, most of which were collected in Illinois and the southeastern United States. The collection is about 95% freshwater bivalves and gastropods (mussels, fingernail clams, and snails), 1% land snails and 4% marine gastropods, almost all of which are cones. Most of the specimens were collected as a result of various faunal surveys conducted by INHS biologists from the late 1800's until the present. The early collections were made by such naturalists as John Wesley Powell, Robert Kennicott, Richard E. Call, William A. Nason, Frank C. Baker, Robert E. Richardson, and Charles A. Hart. The largest and best documented collection of landsnails at the INHS was compiled by Thural D. Foster and organized by Frank C. Baker as part of his study on the "Landsnails of Illinois" published in 1939. The Baker snail collection numbers 1632 lots containing 11,970 specimens. Contact: Kevin S. Cummings, Mollusk Curator ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 20 September 2016

The fish collection at the Bell Museum of Natural History dates to the 19th century and contains over 41,000 cataloged lots. Early collections focused on fishes of the upper Midwest, especially fishes of Minnesota. However, there are many older collections from outside the state. These include specimens from the Menage expedition to the Phillipines in the 1890's; fish from Hawaii collected in the early 1900's; and many other specimens from across the continental United States. The fish collection also holds diverse holdings of marine fishes from the Pacific Northwest, Gulf of Mexico, and Atlantic coast. While most of the specimens are stored in alcohol there is: a large collection of pharyngeal teeth from cyprinids and catostomids; a sizable, uncataloged larval fish collection; and a growing collection of dry and stained-and-cleared skeletal material. Contact: Dr. Andrew Simons, Curator ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 18 December 2017

The invertebrate collection at the Bell Museum of Natural History contains nearly 18,000 lots, some of which date to 1875. The majority of specimens are freshwater mollusks collected in Minnesota, and represent an important Upper Midwest Collection. All specimens are entered into a database searchable by invertebrate collection staff. The invertebrate collection also contains the old Minneapolis Library collection of Indo-Pacific mollusks. Specimens are stored as shells or in ethanol. Contact: Dr. Andrew Simons, Curator ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 25 April 2017

The Bell Museum has exceptional scientific collections. Nearly 4 million specimens—mammals, birds, fishes, plants, mollusks and insects—provide opportunities for research and learning. From Eurasia to South America, Bell Museum scientists collect specimens to build the museum's biological collections, which serve as an international library for scientific research. In addition to collections from around the globe, the Bell Museum has the largest collection documenting Minnesota's biodiversity. Contact: David J. McLaughlin, Curator of Fungi ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 2 February 2018

The Jardin botanique de Montréal or Montreal Botanical Garden, is one of four municipal scientific museums committed to biodiversity and sustainable development. The botanical garden has approximately 22,000 taxa (species and cultivars) in culture in its 30 or so exterior thematic gardens and 10 exhibition greenhouses. The major exterior gardens include an arboretum, an alpine garden, a perennial and shade garden as well as Chinese, Japanese and First Nations Gardens. Greenhouses contain extensive orchid, aroid, begonia, gesneriad, bromeliad, succulent and fern collections. Contact: Stéphane Bailleul ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 28 July 2015

MT |
The Marie-Victorin Herbarium (MT) is the second largest university herbarium in Quebec, and ranks fourth among all Canadian herbaria. It includes about 680,000+ vascular plants and 50,000+ bryophytes. Half of the material is Canadian, but representation is global. Recently, the WAT herbarium was acquired and is now incorporated within MT, though specimens are still to be cited with the WAT acronym. The MT and WAT datasets are individually shown in the dataset, though they all belong to MT. The current dataset includes the 150,000+ digitized specimens from the collection. Contact: Luc Brouillet ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 16 July 2015

MU |
Miami University is the home of Ohio's largest herbarium, the Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium. The herbarium's holdings of approximately 620,000 specimens are worldwide in both geographical and taxonomic coverage. The collection consists of 330,000 vascular plant specimens, as well as 140,000 bryophytes, 100,000 fungi, 35,000 lichens, 10,000 algae, and 5,000 fossil plants. There are several thousand type specimens contained in the collection, as well as many sets of cryptogamic exsiccatae. Active exchange programs are ongoing with many herbaria worldwide to ensure the continued breadth and depth of the collection. The W.S. Turrell Herbarium Fund is an endowment which benefits the herbarium, and is restricted to support of the research activities of the staff and students in systematic botany. Contact: Michael Vincent, Curator ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 14 May 2018

The MSU Herbarium was founded in 1863 with the donation of a large collection of plants from Michigan and the eastern U.S. Today, we remain focused on plant and fungal diversity from Michigan, but the collection is also rich in plants from Mexico and southeast Asia, and lichens from the Caribbean and the subantarctic region. With over half a million specimens, the MSU Herbarium is among the 50 largest herbaria in the United States, whereas the lichen collection, with 120,000 accessioned collections, is among the 10 largest in North America and, because of its geographical scope, of international importance. Contact: L. Alan Prather ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 14 May 2018

The MPM herbarium (MIL) began with a donation of 5,190 plant specimens in 1883 to the new City of Milwaukee Museum from the Wisconsin Natural History Society. This early collection has some of the oldest material in the herbarium, dating back to the 1850s and is heavily European in origin. Today the collections number around 250,000 specimens including ca. 70 type specimens with over 50% of the material from Wisconsin and another 30% from the rest of North America. The collections are divided into vascular (107,000 records) and nonvascular (17,000 records) plants with associated data digitized. Contact: Christopher Tyrrell, Collection Manager ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update:

The Morton Arboretum is an internationally recognized nonprofit organization dedicated to the planting and conservation of trees. Its 1,700 acres hold more than 222,000 live plants representing nearly 4,300 taxa from around the world. Contact: Andrew Hipp ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 6f378e3b-d124-48b8-9021-cc884ab37242

NY |
The William and Lynda Steere Herbarium is the centerpiece of the New York Botanical Garden's botanical research program. It is the fourth largest herbarium in the world, and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. The Herbarium holds a collection of more than seven million preserved specimens filed according to a standardized system of classification. All plant groups--flowering plants, conifers, ferns, mosses, liverworts, and algae, as well as fungi and lichens --are represented in the Herbarium collection, which is particularly strong in New World specimens. This reflects the emphasis of the research projects conducted by the Garden researchers. Contact: Thiers, Barbara ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 26 June 2017

The vouchers for John Torrey's Flora of the State of New York (1843) formed the nucleus of the Herbarium. Because of the cultural and economic importance of the Albany-Troy area in the 19th century, the herbarium attracted collections of other early botanists, including material from Lewis Caleb Beck, Chester Dewey, H. P. Sartwell, Edward Tuckerman, Asa Gray, P. D. Kneiskern, among others. The herbarium also received important type specimens from M. A. Curtis, L. S. Rose, I. W. Clokey, C. F. Austin, B. D. Gilbert, C. S. Sheldon, E. Brainerd, C. S. Sargent, E. P. Bicknell, and H. M. Denslow. Throughout its history, the herbarium grew considerably from collections made by state botanists, Charles H. Peck, Homer D. House, Eugene C. Ogden, and Richard M. Mitchell and curators, Stanley J. Smith and Charles J. Sheviak. Contact: Diana Murphy, Collection Manager, Vascular Plants ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 9 April 2021

OS |
The Ohio State University Herbarium (OS) is a major collection of plant and fungal specimens and is a unit of the Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology. We are part of OSU's Museum of Biological Diversity. Since its founding in 1891, the collection has grown to approximately half a million specimens and has worldwide coverage, with strengths in flora of the northeastern United States (especially Ohio) and in temperate South America. The Herbarium supports research and teaching at OSU and receives frequent use by researchers from other academic institutions, as well as by staff from governmental agencies such as the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Contact: John V. Freudenstein, Director ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 22 November 2016

OS-F |
It is the mission of the Museum of Biological Diversity Fish Division to build a strong representative collection of North American freshwater fishes with secondary strengths in Mexico and Central America. To build a strong collection from lakes, rivers, and streams of Ohio with the best documentation available; this includes a repository for all the states' rare, threatened and endangered voucher specimens. To maintain an ongoing relationship with the state of Ohio agencies involved in fish research. These include Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Division of Surface Waters. Contact: Marymegan (Meg) Daly, Curator ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 4e920d0f-50a1-4658-b674-16f804a2c5da

OS-M |
The Mollusc Division of the Museum of Zoology is administered by the Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology of the College of Biological Sciences and housed along with the other life science collections of The Ohio State University in the Museum of Biological Diversity. The Division of Molluscs is divided into two major collections, housed in separate ranges. The collection consists of ~105,000 catalogued lots, mainly composed of North American freshwater mussels. The collection is among the largest in the world for freshwater Mollusca. Computers in each range link to central bivalve and gastropod databases. Contact: G. Thomas Watters, Curator ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 94cc4221-985f-4541-8c41-51c229e6e0c6

Currently, the Bartley Herbarium consists of approximately 55,000 mounted and accessioned specimens, plus several thousand additional unmounted and unaccessioned specimens being processed. Of these, 30, 657 specimens were collected in Ohio, with the remainder being mostly from other parts of the eastern United States. Our Herbarium is the largest in Appalachian Ohio and seventh largest in the state. It is particularly rich in specimens from southern and southeastern Ohio, due to the efforts of Floyd Bartley and subsequent botanists who have been active in the region. It has the largest holding of vascular plant specimens from the unglaciated, Appalachian region of Ohio. The Bartley Herbarium is the main repository for flora projects conducted in this region, as well as the recipient of vouchers from ecological investigations and regional systematic studies of particular plant groups. Contact: Morgan Vis, Curator of Algae ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 14 May 2018

This herbarium represents an integral part of the history of the Seney National Wildlife Refuge. The first specimens in the collection date back to 1940. Since then, hundreds of plants have been collected, pressed, mounted, identified, and labeled by over 20 people with an interest in the vegetation of the Refuge. In 1964, Professor Edward G. Voss, a nationally recognized systematic botanist from the University of Michigan, examined the existing plant collection and made many corrections. New specimens (from 2010 onward) were verified by Dr. Anthony Reznicek (University of Michigan Herbarium). Contact: ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 9 August 2016

MT |
The Institut de recherche en biologie végétale and its Biodiversity Centre are located within the Montreal Botanical Garden, one of the largest botanical gardens in the world. Product of a unique partnership between the Université de Montréal and the City of Montreal (Espace pour la vie Montréal), the IRBV is widely recognized as a centre of excellence whose mission is research and teaching of plant biology. Building upon this rewarding relationship, the Biodiversity Centre also strives for the highest research and educational standards, while raising public awareness of the importance of preserving and better understanding biodiversity. Contact: Luc Brouillet, Curator ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update:

The University of British Columbia Herbarium is the largest in Canada west of Ottawa, and is home to over half a million plant specimens from around the world. This collection is critical to the identification, monitoring, and conservation of plant biodiversity in British Columbia, and is an important resource for education and scientific research. Contact: Jeannette Whitton, Director and Curator of Va ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 29 July 2015

Specialty: Illinois, midwestern U.S., Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Fabaceae: Mimosoideas, fossils of Pennsylvanian age coal balls, fungi (especially Meliolales: Ascomycetes and resupinate Basidiomycetes), 19th and early 20th century exsiccatae.
Date Founded: 1869. Contact: David S. Seigler ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 30 January 2018

Founded in 1907, the Vascular Plant Herbarium of the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Manitoba (WIN) houses the most extensive and broadly representative collection of vascular plants of Manitoba, over 77,000 specimens including a reference seed collection. For over 100 years, WIN has served as an important resource for taxonomic research and for studies documenting the distribution and ecology of Manitoba’s vascular plant species. Contact: Bruce Ford, Curator ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 30 July 2015

Specialty: Worldwide, especially temperate North America and the Great Lakes region. Specific strengths include marine algae of eastern North America, West Indies, Alaska, and Pacific Islands; bryophytes of tropical America; Agaricaceae and Hymenogastraceae of western North America; vascular plants of Mexico, Iran, Himalayas, southwestern Pacific Region, and southeastern Asia; Cyperaceae, Malpighiaceae, and Myrtaceae of the New World. Date Founded: 1837. Contact: Richard Rabeler, Collections Manager ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 14 May 2018

The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology serves as the nucleus for the study of animal diversity on campus, focusing on the evolutionary origins of the planet’s animal species, their genetic information and the ecosystems they form. UMMZ houses world-class collections that span almost 200 years of regional and global biodiversity supporting a multi-faceted research and teaching program. Contact: Randal Singer, Collection Manager ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 9fca93c0-6290-4b52-bb1d-79d3203ff302

The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology serves as the nucleus for the study of animal diversity on campus, focusing on the evolutionary origins of the planet’s animal species, their genetic information and the ecosystems they form. UMMZ houses world-class collections that span almost 200 years of regional and global biodiversity supporting a multi-faceted research and teaching program. Contact: Taehwan Lee, Collection Manager ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 18 September 2017

ND |
The Greene/Nieuwland Herbarium is used for teaching and research in the study of botany, ecology, evolution, biodiversity and conservation, regional and global environmental change, genetics, natural products chemistry, archeology, and anthropology, to name a few. An official repository for specimens collected by state and federally funded surveys, the Museum of Biodiversity allows more undergraduate and graduate students to experience a vast array of naturally occurring substances--some of which may hold the key to new discoveries in drug treatments for diseases such as cancer. Contact: Barbara Hellenthal, Curator ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 20 September 2018

The TRTE Herbarium is administered and overseen by the Department of Biology at the University of Toronto at Mississauga. Our herbarium, founded in 1969, houses about 95,000 specimens of vascular plants, including the extensive collections of Paul F. Maycock and Peter W. Ball. Geographically, the herbarium’s main focus is on vascular plant specimens from Ontario, but important collections are also available from Québec and the Canadian high Arctic. Small quantities of specimens are available from all other regions of Canada, United States, Western Australia, New Zealand, and West Africa (Nigeria, Sierra Leone). Taxonomically, our herbarium is particularly strong in its representation of sedges (genus Carex), mainly from eastern Canada and, to a lesser extent, from elsewhere in Canada and the United States. Contact: Peter Ball, Curator ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 29 July 2015

Specialty: Western Wisconsin; upper Mississippi River floodplain. Date Founded: 1968. Contact: D. Gerber, Curator ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 15 May 2018

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Zoological Museum was established to be a center for research and educational support for the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It was likewise charged with acting as a depository for biological specimens and knowledge deriving from activities of State of Wisconsin agencies. It is dedicated to the preservation, study, and understanding of the vertebrate and aquatic fauna of Wisconsin, the Midwest, and other parts of the world. The Museum acquires, processes, accessions, and houses documented specimens resulting from field and laboratory research and the work of contributing agencies. The collections provide a library of primary information basic to studies of animal and human ecology, systematics and genetics, and morphology. Contact: Laura A. Halverson Monahan, Curator ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 77b17efc-5fd5-4319-bf9e-39dcd2a5c6aa

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Zoological Museum was established to be a center for research and educational support for the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It was likewise charged with acting as a depository for biological specimens and knowledge deriving from activities of State of Wisconsin agencies. It is dedicated to the preservation, study, and understanding of the vertebrate and aquatic fauna of Wisconsin, the Midwest, and other parts of the world. The Museum acquires, processes, accessions, and houses documented specimens resulting from field and laboratory research and the work of contributing agencies. The collections provide a library of primary information basic to studies of animal and human ecology, systematics and genetics, and morphology. Contact: Laura A. Halverson Monahan, Curator ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 494324c1-a1dc-428d-9839-ad55f817d021

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, founded in 1849, is a museum collection of dried, labeled plants of state, national and international importance, which is used extensively for taxonomic and ecological research, as well as for teaching and public service. It contains the world's largest collection of Wisconsin plants, about one-third of its 1,000,000 specimens having been collected within the state. Most of the world's floras are well represented, and the holdings from certain areas, such as the Upper Midwest, eastern North America and western Mexico, are widely recognized as resources of global significance. Contact: Kenneth M. Cameron ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 15 May 2018

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Herbarium (UWM) is one of the largest in the state, with a total of approximately 62,000 accessioned specimens with a further 4,000 specimens unaccessioned at UWM or housed at the UWM Field Station. The majority of the dried plant specimens are from Wisconsin, especially the southeastern portion of the state. Also included is an extensive collection of the flora found at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Field Station, a six square mile area of wetlands and mixed deciduous forests. UWM also has collections from other areas of the country and the world. These include the American Southwest (especially the Sonoran Desert), Australia, Northern Europe, and Alaska. The collection is growing, especially in the Ranunculaceae (buttercup family) and related families (Ranunculales). Contact: Sara Hoot, Director ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 2 February 2018

Dr. Robert Freckmann, Professor Emeritus of Biology, taught vascular plant taxonomy and agrostology at UW-Stevens Point for 32 years. Starting with one cabinet of about 1,000 plant specimens in 1969, he (and Dr. Frank W. Bowers) built this herbarium into the 3rd largest in Wisconsin, with over 200,000 specimens. It was named in his honor upon his retirement. Contact: Dr. Virginia Freire ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 31 May 2018

Specialty: Southwestern Michigan, especially Kalamazoo County; some worldwide. Date Founded: 1917. Contact: Todd Barkman ( Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 24 May 2017