Illinois Natural History Survey - Fish
Catalog #: 38522
Secondary Catalog #: urn:uuid:e472d6a0-b204-4eac-afdc-5359ffb36589
Taxon: Notropis photogenis (Cope, 1865)
Family: Cyprinidae
Collector: M.H. Sabaj, J.W. Armbruster, T.J. Near & J.M. Serb      
Date: 1996-06-12
Verbatim Date: 6/12/1996
Locality: United States, Tennessee, Wayne, 8.5 mi N Waynesboro, Big Oppossum Creek Rd.
Individual Count: 2
Specimen Images
Record Id: b4b761a3-af5d-4608-8d58-5c5ffac63535
Occurrence ID (GUID):
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Dr. Chris Taylor (
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