Illinois Natural History Survey - Mollusks
Catalog #: 41278
Secondary Catalog #: f035a608df097bd6dfda53b82773eb355a5ae9f3
Taxon: Lasmigona compressa (I. Lea, 1829)
Family: Unionidae
Determiner: K.S. Cummings 10/2011
ID Remarks: 1 valve
Collector: Sarah A. Bales, Rachel M. Vinsel, Drew D. Negangard & Jennifer S. Schwab      
Date: 2011-06-21
Verbatim Date: 2011-06-21T00:00:00+00:00
Locality: United States, Illinois, Champaign, Upper Salt Fork Drainage Ditch, 2 mi E Rantoul, Co. Rd. 1900E bridge, North America
40.24532  -88.09768
Habitat: 40% gravel, 40% sand, 10% clay, 5% cobble, 5% silt; big ditch; grass banks; claypan on banks; nice gravel/sand mix with some cobble downstream
Specimen Images
Record Id: 75c2556f-5f46-418a-ae61-03fb90e6fb29
Occurrence ID (GUID):
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Kevin S. Cummings, Mollusk Curator (
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